Senator McConnell Has The Experience To Deliver In Times Of Crisis

 — Team Mitch today launched a new statewide ad showing how Senator Mitch McConnell’s steady leadership and experience is critical for Kentucky and the country when overcoming some of its greatest challenges. “Steady Hand” shows how Senator McConnell is an experienced leader who supports the nation during times of national crisis, such as following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The ad goes on to highlight Senator McConnell’s proven track record of securing relief for Kentucky families, coal miners, and veterans.

“When faced with the biggest challenges of our time, Kentuckians rightly put their trust in Mitch McConnell to find solutions that protect their lives and their livelihoods,” said McConnell Senate Committee campaign manager Kevin Golden. “Leader McConnell’s experience is unparalleled, and it is exactly that experience that enables him to help a nation in crisis and to deliver key wins for the Bluegrass State. He hears the needs of Kentuckians and moves swiftly to answer their call, from securing coronavirus relief for Kentucky families and businesses to protecting health and pension benefits for miners. Throughout his time in the Senate, Senator McConnell has shown time and again that no matter the crisis, he will work tirelessly to keep Americans safe and defeat the challenge at-hand.”

Click here to watch “Steady Hand.” 


ANNOUNCER: He serves with a steady hand through some of our greatest challenges.

ANNOUNCER: A powerful response to the terror attacks of 9/11.

ANNOUNCER: Swift bipartisan action during the financial crisis.

ANNOUNCER: Walking us back from a federal budget crisis and ending a government shutdown.

ANNOUNCER: Protecting our coal miners, their pensions, and health care.

ANNOUNCER: Tax relief for Kentucky families.

ANNOUNCER: Delivering for our farmers. Our workers. Our veterans, whether abroad or at home.

ANNOUNCER: Leading the passage of the biggest economic rescue package in history and fighting this virus.

ANNOUNCER: When unexpected challenges confront us, there is one man sent by Kentucky to do the right thing for all of us.

ANNOUNCER: Experience. When experience matters most.

MITCH MCCONNELL: I’m Mitch McConnell, and I approve this message.



A Powerful Response to 9/11

  • As Republican Whip, Senator Mitch McConnell helped secure passage of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which created the Department of Homeland Security and other programs to protect American citizens from terrorist attacks.
  • Leader McConnell is a strong supporter of the USA PATRIOT Act, and in March of 2020 he led the Senate in extending this critical national security legislation. (Politico, 3/31/2020)
  • Leader McConnell led the Senate in extending the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund to 2092. (ABC News, 7/23/2019)

Bipartisan Action to Protect American Livelihoods During the 2008 Financial Crisis

  • During the 2008 financial crisis, Leader McConnell worked across the aisle to secure swift Senate passage of President George W. Bush’s economic relief plan. (New York Times, 10/1/2008)

Saving the Nation from a Budget Crisis

  • When the nation was facing a budget crisis, Leader McConnell worked across the aisle to avoid a fiscal cliff and to extend tax relief for Kentucky families. (Washington Examiner, 12/31/2012)

A Champion for Kentucky Coal Miners

  • In 2017, Leader McConnell led negotiations on bipartisan legislation to secure health care benefits for Kentucky coal miners and their families, and Leader McConnell’s language made it into the final legislation. (Louisville Courier Journal, 5/2/2017)
  • Officials from the United Mine Workers praised Leader McConnell’s “decisive role” in ensuring health care benefits did not expire. (Lexington Herald-Leader, 5/1/2017)
  • Through Leader McConnell’s efforts, Congress approved legislation preventing the pension plan for 92,000 coal miners from running dry and expanding health care benefits for 13,000 miners. (WYMT, 12/19/2019)

Delivering for Kentucky Farmers, Families, and Veterans

  • With Leader McConnell’s backing, industrialized hemp was legalized in the United States under the 2018 Farm Bill, establishing a vital new industry for Kentucky farmers. (The Hill, 12/20/2019)
  • During the course of his career, Leader McConnell has secured billions of dollars for VA hospitals in Kentucky, including recently securing funding to complete a VA hospital in Louisville. (WLKY, 12/17/2019)

Fighting Against the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • The largest economic rescue package in American history, the CARES Act, was introduced by Leader McConnell and totals $2.2 trillion in aid for the nation and more than $1.25 billion in coronavirus relief funds to Kentucky’s families, workers, and businesses. In April, Leader McConnell secured an additional $484 billion in relief aid, which includes more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses and their employees.