FOP: McConnell Is A Champion For Law And Order

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — Senator Mitch McConnell today proudly accepted an endorsement from the Kentucky State Fraternal Order of Police in his race against Democrat Amy McGrath. The Kentucky State FOP is Kentucky’s largest organization of law enforcement officers and boasts more than 10,000 members across the Commonwealth.

“The American people fully understand that most police officers are honest, upright people doing an extremely difficult job and enjoy our respect,” said Senator Mitch McConnell upon accepting the endorsement. “I want to thank you, Sheriff Perdue, and all of the members of the FOP. I deeply appreciate your support. I respect what you do and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.”

“The candidate we have chosen is and has for many years been a champion and supporter of law enforcement, for all law enforcement officers and agencies across the great Commonwealth,” Clark County Sheriff and Kentucky FOP President Berl Perdue said while announcing the endorsement. “Our choice for endorsement has always answered our calls. Our calls for assistance, and when needed, never failed to help find solutions to our problems. He is and has been a champion for law enforcement and law and order. It is with great pride that I announce Kentucky State Fratneral Order of Police endorses Senate Leader Mitch McConnell for reelection as U.S. Senator for Kentucky.”
