Extreme Amy McGrath — the self-proclaimed most progressive person in Kentucky — never hesitates to echo far-left talking points from Washington Democrats like Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer.

With Mitch McConnell and President Trump poised to fill a third Supreme Court vacancy, McGrath’s liberal rallying cry is louder than ever.

WDRB: McGrath says McConnell’s plan to give potential Ginsburg replacement a Senate vote ‘total BS’

Chuck Schumer — who hand-picked Amy McGrath to run against Mitch McConnell — and his cast of radical Democrats are even threatening to change Senate rules if they gain power.

Here’s what’s at stake for Kentucky:

Amy McGrath’s first vote in the Senate would be to transfer the majority leader job from Kentucky to New York, automatically putting Kentucky interests behind the interests of New York liberals. Aligning with other radicals, she would then eliminate the filibuster, which Senate Democrats have deployed over the past couple of months to block critical police reforms and coronavirus rescue funds for Kentucky workers and small businesses.

It’s clear, Amy McGrath would change the fabric of Kentucky and the nation. Working with Washington Democrats, Amy McGrath would confirm activist, pro-abortion judges, defund the police, wipe out the coal industry, and take away our Second Amendment rights.
